Organization Overview

Tell us a little bit about how your organization performed over the last year. This will give us a baseline to calculate the return on investment from your current fundraising and relationship management solution. Use the sliders to breakout your total contributions by percentage of your total revenue.

Direct Mail

Are you currently running direct mail campaigns? Enter last year’s stats and we’ll crunch the numbers.

Major Giving

Donors are the lifeblood of nonprofit organizations. How big is your donor population?



How are you leveraging online fundraising to raise money?


On-premise solutions and manual spreadsheets are more expensive than you think. Enter the annual costs for your current fundraising and relationship management solutions. Don’t worry if you can't be precise; we’ve prefilled expense categories with the best global benchmark data available.


Customize Expenses:
Incumbent Spend
IT Costs

Enter your email address and
we’ll calculate your results.

How did your current CRM perform?

Direct Mail
1 Campaign / year
$7.00 Revenue / mail piece
Major Giving
20,000 Potential major donors
$25.00 Average gift size
27,500 Constituents without email
$2.00 Revenue / email sent

Your ROI with the Raiser’s Edge NXTTM Effect

We’ve crunched the numbers and think you’ll like what we’ve found.

  • [
  • $42,500
    Direct Mail
  • +
  • $4,250
    Major Giving
  • +
  • $15,583
  • +
  • $10,700
    Crowd Fundraising
  • ]
New Revenue
  • [
  • $10,274
  • +
  • $2,699
  • +
  • $6,000
    Mailing Cost
  • ]
Cost Savings
  • [
  • $73,300
    New Revenue
  • +
  • $18,973
    Cost Savings
  • ]
New Revenue
Cost Savings


Raiser's Edge NXTTM Impact

Putting it all together with Raiser’s Edge NXTTM donor management fundraising software, you can achieve great things. Raiser's Edge NXTTM can get you there.

With Raiser’s Edge NXTTM Address Updates, on average we find 20% more mailing addresses. For you that means, 6,000 new, or updated mailing addresses. Better data means reaching more donors, and saving money in undeliverable mailings.
With industry leading Donor Segmentation, on average Raiser’s Edge NXTTM identifies 5% of annual donors that should be targeted for a major gift. For you that means, 1,000 more major gift prospects.
How does 300 more major donations next year sound? Raiser’s Edge NXTTM targets the amount you should be asking major donor prospects, so you can expect 1 out of 4 donors that you ask for a major gift to give.
On average, Raiser’s Edge NXTTM will find and append email addresses for around 20% of your contacts. That means 5,500 new email addresses for your constituents that you didn’t have before.
You can expect a 60% increase in per email dollar return with our powerful Targeting Marketing solution. That’s on average a $2.83 return per email sent.
On average, .05% of constituents will activate crowdfundraising pages in support of your organization's mission. That means 20 additional crowdfundraising pages that will lend their voice to your mission, raising an average of $535 per page per year.

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