You are here: Constituent Records > Constituent Records > Relationships


Relationships are familial, social, or professional associations with the constituent. Successful fundraising revolves around the ability to cultivate and manage all types of relationships. When you add a relationship for a constituent, the relationship appears on both constituents’ Relationships tabs. To view and manage the relationships for a constituent, select the Relationships tab.

You can also view an employment history of an individual or organization constituent. For more information, see Employment History.

Note: To view a hierarchal view of the relationships entered on the Relationships tab, click Extended Network under More information. The Extended Network page appears. For information about the items on this page, see Extended Network.

Under Relationships, the individual, organization, group, household relationships, and employment history of the constituent appear.

Under Group member, if the constituent is a member of a group or household, you can view information about the membership. You can also view information about previous memberships.


Group Member Tab

Extended Network

Relationship Maps

Relationship Maps Properties