You are here: Event Invitations > Invitations > Add Event Invitations > Add Invitation Screen

Add Invitation Screen

The table below explains the items on the Add invitation screen. For information about how to access this screen, see Add Event Invitations.

Screen Item



Enter a unique name to help identify the invitation.


Enter a description to help identify the invitation, such as whether it is a premium or standard invitation.

Mail date

Select the date on which to send the invitation to its invitees.

Create selection from results

Select whether to create a selection of the constituents included in the invitation.

If you select this checkbox, enter a name for the new selection. To replace an existing selection of the same name with the new selection, select Overwrite existing selection.

How do you want to send your invitation?

Select whether to send the invitation through mail, email, or both.

If you select Send through both mail and email, according to each constituent’s preferences, select which method to use for constituents without a communication preference for mail or email.

Mail package

If you select to send the invitation through mail, this field appears. Search for and select the package to send through the mail. The package determines the items delivered in the invitation. When you select a package, the Cost and Contents field display information about the selected package.

Email package

If you select to send the invitation through email, this field appears. Search for and select the package to send through email. The package determines the items delivered in the invitation. When you select a package, the Cost and Contents field display information about the selected package.

Address processing

Select the option to use to determine which address types to use with the constituents included in the invitation. From the field, you can add or edit an address processing option as necessary.

Name format

Select the option to use to determine the addressees and salutations to use with the constituents included in the invitation. From the field, you can add or edit a name format option as necessary.


Select the types of constituents to include in the invitation, based on the constituent selection and exclusions. You can select to include all constituents, only individual and organization constituents, or only constituent households.

Send to only one person per household

If you select to include Qualifying individuals and organizations, this checkbox appears. Select whether to include only the head of household when multiple qualifying individuals are members of the same constituent household.

Also include qualifying individuals who are not members of any household

If you select to include Qualifying individuals and organizations, this checkbox appears. Select whether to include individual constituents who meet the selection and exclusion criteria but are not members of a household.

Also include qualifying households which do not have any members

If you select to include Qualifying households, this checkbox appears. Select whether to include constituents households that meet the selection and exclusion criteria but do not have members.