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Refund Transactions

You may need to refund a sales order, an order item, an event registration, or a membership, such as due to a canceled event or dissatisfied patron. From Sales, you can add refunds for sales orders, event registrations, and memberships.

Note: You cannot refund a credit card transaction after 60 days. However, you can select a different method to refund the payment. For example, you can process the refund in the form of a check or cash.

Warning: When a front office user refunds a transaction entered through the back office, such as an event registration or membership, the refund will not automatically appear in the closed drawer or deposit. For information, see Back Office Refunds and the Close Drawer and Deposits.

By default, an itemized receipt prints when you refund a sales order. The itemized receipt provides a record of all items refunded and includes all discounts, fees, and taxes applied during the original order. When you refund a sales order that contains a credit card payment, the default refund credit card receipt also prints and displays the amount refunded to the credit card. A customer copy and merchant copy print for both types of receipts. The merchant copies each provide a signature line that does not appear on the customer copies. Your organization should retain the signed merchant copies for your organization's records.

Note: When you include a refund in a deposit with a post date different than the refund date, the program updates the date and post date of the refund to match the post date of the deposit.

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Back Office Refunds and the Close Drawer and Deposits