You are here: Manage Orders > Reschedule Tickets

Reschedule Tickets

From Sales, you can reschedule tickets for events. Tickets can be rescheduled only for events of the same program and price type. If you want to reschedule tickets for a different price type or program, we recommend you refund the tickets and purchase new ones.

When you reschedule tickets, you can override event capacity and price differences. A message appears to confirm you want to increase event capacities or override price differences. If you do not want to override the price difference, you have to refund the ticket and purchase the event again.

To access the Reschedule Tickets page, from Sales, under Manage order, click Reschedule tickets. The page appears.

On the page that appears, an order search is available and returns only orders with tickets available to be rescheduled. When an order is selected, constituent information appears and the items available to be rescheduled appear in the grid. You can click on the constituent name to go to the Constituent page or the Order number to go to the Sales Order page. In the grid, you can view information about each ticket item such as the amount paid and change the date and time of the event.

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