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Release Notes: August 2013

Before you begin to use Target Analytics ResearchPoint, take a moment to review the following notes, which highlight new features and changes to existing features. It is important to share this information with all Target Analytics ResearchPoint users in your organization. For more information about any of the new features listed, see the ResearchPoint How-to Documentation page.

Introducing Research Lists

To help researchers manage prospects, we added Research Lists, which allow you to efficiently build lists based on simple criteria. You can also leverage a powerful tool set included with the lists. The tools allow you to screen, analyze, and prioritize your prospects.

Research Lists replace Research Groups, but the replacement comes with a number of enhancements that make the lists more workable. It is no longer simply a group screening and Raiser's Edge integration tool.

View Research Lists from the Prospects page

Understanding that researchers want to see useful research list information from the Prospects functional area, we added favorite and recently accessed lists to the top of the Prospects page. From here, a researcher can open any list included in the Favorite lists or Recently accessed lists box, add a new list, view all lists, and/or add a new list from The Raiser's Edge 7 (if integrated with ResearchPoint).

Research Lists Page

The main research lists page can be accessed by clicking View all lists from the Prospects page. This takes you to an unfiltered list of all your saved lists. Here you can manage your lists, delete old ones, and perform top level actions on individual lists.

No more tabs

When you open a research list, the new list page displays wealth summary information in the new summary section at the top of the page: no more Wealth Summary tab. From here, you can track your remaining screens, view your subscription level, and even request more screens.

Also, the Members tab is now a Members list with all related tasks living in the list. From here you can edit the list, map members locations, delete members, copy members to other lists, disable WealthPoint updates on member records, add new members to the list, and more.

If you integrate with The Raiser's Edge, you'll notice this tab is also gone and replaced with a column in the Members list. From here, you can see if the member is linked to The Raiser's Edge, and if so, you can open the Raiser's Edge record from the list. You no longer have to navigate to the record in ResearchPoint.

List Builder functionality added to lists

As a researcher, you need to see the members of the group and sort by various wealth, giving, affiliation, and biographical attributes so that you can effectively focus on the top prospects. To aid you in this effort, we added the List Builder functionality to Research Lists.

With List Builder, you can filter, reorder and search content included in a list. One of the best improvements with lists is that you can now display only columns you feel important for managing your list. Research lists include a large set of Biographical, Wealth, Giving, and Ratings fields you can set as columns and filters. You can also include attributes as columns.

To make attributes available in your lists, from Administration click Attribute Categories. Open the Attribute category you want available on your lists and click Edit. The Edit attribute category screen appears. Select Make available in lists and click Save.

Each user that has rights to view a list can set the columns they want to view and those columns remain the next time they return to the list. When a new list is built, it returns with a default set of columns.

For more information about List builder see the List Builder video.

Easy to use Add/Edit research list screen

With the new Add/Edit research list screen, you can easily control who is included in your list, and you can do this without creating or editing a selection file in Query. You now have direct access to the most common fields used to build lists. The fields are arranged based on five categories: Biographical, Education, Giving, Ratings, and Wealth. If your criteria needs are more complex, you can still use selections or use a combination of both to create the list.

Who has rights to Research Lists?

More flexibility when working in your list

Access a prospect's Wealth Summary without leaving the list

Prospect researchers and fundraisers working in a group record can now easily access summary wealth information on a group member without having to leave the group record.

From the Members list on the Research List page, click the link in either the Total confirmed assets or Total identified assets column. The member's Wealth summary screen displays.

Click any assets or indicator link on this screen to access that specific information on the member's wealth and ratings page. For example, if you want to view this member's real estate information, you can click the Real estate link in the Assets column. You can always navigate back to the list by clicking on the List name under the Research Details on the Wealth Summary tab.

The "New" icon identifies assets and indicators that have been updated since the last time this record was viewed.

List membership included on prospect's Wealth and Ratings page

To allow researchers to easily identify research list membership and navigate to the lists, we include information about and links to any research lists that include the prospect. The list membership information is located in the Research details section of the Wealth Summary tab on the Wealth and Ratings page.

The order in which the lists display is based on:

  1. Most recently accessed by current user
  2. Most recently added to a research list (used if current user has not accessed)

Up to 10 groups can display on the prospect's Wealth and Ratings page.

List Builder Improvements

Development Officer - View-Only Role

Leverages Raiser's Edge Integration

To allow fundraiser to better research prospects linked to records in The Raiser's Edge, the following rights have been added to the Development Officer roles in ResearchPoint:

Development Officer (View Only) role can:

Development Officer (Advanced Rights) role can:

Documentation Improvements