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Data Types

Data types determine the values that users can enter when they add attributes. When users add attributes, they select attribute categories in the Category field. The data types you select for the attribute categories determine the type of data that the users can enter in the Value field. For example, if you create an attribute category for constituent records and select “Currency” as the data type, users who add attributes and select this attribute category can enter only monetary values.

Data Type



Letters, numerals, and nonalphanumeric characters such as “!,” “@,” and “#.”


Numerals. If users enter anything else, including decimals, an error message appears.


Complete dates in the correct format. Users can select dates from a calendar.


Numerals and decimals. Automatically formats the monetary values to includes symbols such as dollar signs or pound signs.


“Yes” or “No.”

Code table

Code table entries. You select a code table with this data type, and users select from the code table’s entries when they add attributes.

Constituent record

Constituent names. You select a search screen with this data type to allow users to search for constituents. The search screen restricts the types of constituents that users can select. Once you add the attribute category, you can change which search list is used.

Fuzzy date

Partial dates such as a year or a month and year. Partial dates must use an abbreviated version of the date format. For example, if the date format is “mm/dd/yyyy,” users must enter a fuzzy date such as January 2011 as “1/2011,” not “January 2011.” Users also can select dates from a calendar.


Time entries, such as 2:00 p.m. or 1:15 a.m.


Letters, numerals, and nonalphanumeric characters such as “!,” “@,” and “#.” The field expands for this data type.