You are here: Treasury > Deposit Correction Page

Deposit Correction Page

The Deposit correction page displays all the information associated with the correction, such as amount, correction date and type, method, and reference. From the Deposit correction page, you can view, edit, and delete a correction.

On the Documentation tab, you can add notes to track helpful or interesting pieces of additional information about the deposit correction.

For more information about adding documentation to a deposit correction, see Documentation.

On the GL Distributions tab for a deposit correction, you can view details for GL distributions. You establish GL distributions from the GL Account Setup page in Administration. For more information about viewing GL distributions, see GL Distributions Tab for a Deposit Correction.

Note: It is important to note that a deposit correction is created the first time you create a deposit for an approved closed drawer. When you unlink a payment or refund from a deposit and recreate the deposit, the deposit does not recreate the deposit correction. The deposit correction continues to be associated with the original deposit unless it is deleted. To recreate the original deposit, including any deposit corrections, you must create the deposit and manually enter deposit corrections on the Deposit Corrections tab of the deposit.

Edit a Deposit Correction

Delete a Deposit Correction

GL Distributions Tab for a Deposit Correction