You are here: Export > Create Export Definitions

Create Export Definitions

An export definition defines the fields for an export. You cannot export data directly from a definition. You must create an export process to output data from a selection based on the export definition. When you create an export, you select an export type. If you select “Export definition”, the Selection and Export definition fields appear. You can pick the selection of records to export and pick the export definition to determine what fields to include in the output.

When you create export definitions, you specify the source view from which the export definition should be created. The source view determines the type of records the export includes.

In export definitions, you can select one-to-many fields in addition to one-to-one export fields. A one-to-one export field contains one value in your database. For example, Birth date is a one-to-one export field because constituents have one birth date. A one-to-many export field contains several values in your database. For example, Email address is a one-to-many export field because constituents can have multiple email addresses.

The Criteria screen appears when you move a one-to-many export field to the Selected fields and criteria box.

On this screen, you define how many instances of the field you want to export and the sort order for the field. Additional filter options appear to help you determine the data to export.

Create an export definition

Delete an Export Definition

Export Definitions Criteria

Filter Export Definition Criteria Example

Export Definitions Address Processing

Export Definition Properties

Export Definitions and Query Comparison