You are here: Print Membership Cards > Print Membership Card Tasks > Go To Process Status Page for Print Membership Cards > Recent Status Tab

Recent Status Tab

On the Recent Status tab, you view the details of the most recent instance of the print membership cards process. These details include the status of the run; the start time, end time, and duration of the run; the person who last started the process; the name of the server used to process the run; the total number of cards processed; and how many cards processed successfully and how many were exceptions.

Depending on your security rights and system role, you perform functions to manage the most recent process.

Go to results: To view a list of constituents included in the process, click Go to results. A Printed cards grid appears. Additional information in the grid includes data, such as the card status, card number, name on card, and expires on date. You can also assign a different membership card number if necessary, clear the results of the process, and delete the status record entirely.
Print cards: To print the membership cards that were processed, click Print cards. The Print membership cards screen appears and allows you to select a different card format if necessary. For information, see Print Membership Cards.
Download output: If you would rather download a .csv file of the membership cards that were processed to be sent to a printing service, click Download output. The Save As screen appears for you select a location to save the membership cards. For more information, see Download Membership Cards.
Delete: To delete the most recent instance of the process, click Delete.
Clear results: To run a print membership cards process again, clickClear results. This allows you to run the process for the cards again.