You are here: Matching Gift Claims > Matching Gift Claim Record

Matching Gift Claim Record

The matching gift claim record displays information about a specific matching gift claim, such as the amount and date associated with the matching gift claim. If the matching gift claim is added as part of a revenue batch, the Batch number field displays the number of the batch associated with the claim.

On the matching gift claim record, you can also view the remaining balance of the claim, the amount paid toward the claim, and its current status. In the Matched Revenue field, a link to the revenue the organization matches appears. To view the payment record for the initial gift, click this link. You can also view any reference information or revenue category associated with the claim.

The matching gift claim record contains multiple tabs to provide information about the designations, payments, solicitors, attributes, and documentation associated with the matching gift claim. For more information about the tabs that appear on the matching gift claim page, see Revenue Record.

The table below explains the items in the summary section on a matching gift claim record.

Screen Item


Matching gift claim amount

This field displays the total amount of the matching gift claim.


This field displays the date associated with the matching gift claim, such as the date your organization receives it.

Batch number

If the matching gift claim is added as part of a revenue batch, this field displays the number of the batch associated with the claim. If the claim is not added as part of a batch, this field is blank.


Displays the total outstanding balance of the matching gift claim, the total amount paid toward the claim, and the status of the claim.

From the matching gift claim record, you can add, edit, and delete information about the claim.

Edit Matching Gift Claims

Mark Matching Gift Claims as Active

Change Constituents on Matching Gift Claims

Delete Matching Gift Claims