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Matching Gift Claims

Some organizations match revenue their employees or corporate partners give to nonprofit organizations. For example, AAA Concrete matches revenue given by their employees on a two-to-one ratio when gifts meet certain criteria. Mark Adamson, a AAA Concrete employee, gives your organization $200. Because AAA Concrete matches revenue given by their employees, you receive an additional $400 from AAA Concrete if Mark Adamson’s revenue meets the criteria set by the company.

When you receive Mark Adamson’s revenue, you must create a payment record that contains the important information about the revenue. From the payment, you can create a matching gift claim for AAA Concrete. A matching gift claim represents a constituent’s claim that an organization will make a donation based on revenue given by the constituent. When you receive the matching revenue from AAA Concrete, you must add a new matching gift payment for AAA Concrete’s revenue and apply it toward AAA Concrete’s matching gift claim to reduce the balance.

Add Matching Gift Claims

Matching Gift Claim Record

Reconcile Matching Gifts

Clear Matching Gift Claims