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Run Deposit Process

After the deposit templates are created, you can run deposit processes for non-online sales, online sales, miscellaneous payments from Treasury, and back office payments. Examples of back office revenue include payments made as part of a batch or from a revenue record outside of Sales and Treasury.

When you run the deposit process, deposits are created. Payments with a “Not posted” status are linked to "Not posted" deposits and payments with a status of “Do not post” are linked to "Do not post" deposits. Refund payments and any cash over/short amounts created during the close drawer process are included in “Not posted” deposits. Note that when payments are linked to deposits, either manually or through the deposit process, the payment post date is updated to the deposit post date. Deposit details appear in the Deposit Summary Report. Only payments that are not associated with a deposit are eligible to be included in a deposit.

When you run the deposit process for non-online sales, only payments included in approved closed drawers are pulled into the deposit. Before running the deposit process for non-online sales, all ticket sellers should submit their closed drawers and a supervisor should approve them. If a user submits a closed drawer and then starts a new sale, the new sale will not be included in the total amounts submitted with the closed drawer.

Because online sales do not involve cash or checks and there are no receipts, there is no drawer to close and approve. A supervisor runs the deposit process to create a deposit for sales processed online.

With miscellaneous payments made from Treasury and back office payments, there is no close drawer process. A supervisor runs the deposit process to create a deposit for payments processed from Treasury and the back office.

Note: If you run the deposit process for non-online sales and the projected cash amount is greater or less than the expected cash amount, a deposit correction is created. The corrections appear on the Deposit Corrections tab of the Deposits page. For more information about the Deposits page, see the Treasury section of the help file.

Warning: If a payment in a deposit process is associated with a payment method or revenue source that is not defined in a deposit template, a message appears letting you know that the deposit process cannot run. You must assign the payment method or revenue source to an existing deposit template or create a new template that includes the payment method or revenue source. For more information about how to add a deposit template, see Configure Deposit Templates.

It is important to note that when a payment or refund is included in a deposit process and later unlinked from that deposit, the unlinked payment or refund is considered eligible for inclusion the next time the deposit process is run. Similarly, when a payment or refund is manually added to a deposit and later unlinked, that payment or refund is considered eligible for inclusion the next time the deposit process is run.

Also note that any deposit corrections are generated the first time you create a deposit for an approved closed drawer. When you unlink a payment or refund from a deposit and recreate the deposit, the deposit does not recreate the deposit correction. The deposit correction continues to be associated with the original deposit unless it is deleted. To recreate the original deposit, including any deposit corrections, you must create the deposit and manually enter deposit corrections on the Deposit Corrections tab of the deposit.

Run The Deposit Process