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Smart Field Workflow

The smart field workflow typically involves multiple people, including a smart field administrator and consumers who use the data generated by the smart field.

Smart Field administrator: The administrator creates smart fields based on management’s requests. For example, at the beginning of each quarter, a user in your organization generates a query to track constituents who gave $1,000 or more in the previous quarter. Management makes its request to the administrator and details what the smart field values should represent. The administrator creates and processes the smart fields to make them available to users for queries, reports, and related records. To satisfy this user, the smart field administrator creates two smart fields: one with constituent revenue amounts and another with constituent revenue dates.
Smart Field data consumer: The consumer is the individual who views and uses the data generated by the smart field. Continuing with the smart field administrator example, the query user includes the “Value” field of the revenue amount smart field, assigning it a value Greater than or equal to $1,000, and the “Value” field of the revenue dates smart field, assigning it a value Equal to last quarter.