You are here: Merge Duplicate Constituents > Merge Duplicate Constituents > Merge Two Constituents > Manually merge two constituents

Manually merge two constituents

1. From Duplicate constituents, click Merge two constituents. The Merge two constituents screen appears.
2. In the Source constituent field, click the binoculars and use the Constituent Search screen to select the constituent record from which to merge data.
3. In the Target constituent field, click the binoculars and use the Constituent Search screen to select the constituent record into which to merge data.
4. In the Merge configuration field, select the configuration to use with the merge. The merge configuration determines which information on the target and source constituent records to merge.
5. Select whether to delete the source constituent after the merge. If you do not select Delete source constituent, the program automatically marks the source constituent as inactive after the merge.
6. Select whether to delete the source constituents or mark them as inactive after the merge.

If you select Mark source constituent inactive, in the Inactive reason field, select the reason code to explain the need to mark the constituent as inactive. In the Inactive details field, enter any additional information about the inactive status of the constituent. For information about how to configure reason codes for inactive constituents, see the Administration section of the help file.

Note: You cannot merge records into inactive records that were previously a source record in a merge.

7. Click Merge. The program merges the information from the source constituent record with the target constituent record. After the merge is complete, the target constituent record appears.