You are here: Revenue Reports > Pledge Status and Analysis Report > View the Pledge Status and Analysis report

View the Pledge Status and Analysis report

1. From Revenue or Fundraising, click Pledge status and analysis under Reports. The Pledge Status and Analysis report page appears.
2. Select whether to group the pledges included in the report by constituent or designation.
3. In the Display field, select the type and revenue amount of the pledges to include in the report. For example, to see all pledges with a balance greater than $100.00, you can select to include "All pledges with a balance" and "Greater than $100.00".
4. In the Date or As of field, select the date criteria of the pledges to include.
5. To view the results of the report in an expanded form, such as to view information about each pledge's designations or installments, select Display all pledge details.

Tip: Regardless of whether you select Display all pledge details, you can expand or collapse the report results as necessary.

6. If you group the pledges by constituent, select whether to display contact information for each constituent.

Tip: To view contact information if you do not select Display constituent contact information, hover over the constituent's name.

7. To generate the report, click View report. The Pledge Status and Analysis report appears.