You are here: Web Forms > Membership Forms > Membership Form Options > Configure options for a membership form

Configure options for a membership form

  1. From Web, click Manage membership forms. The Manage Membership Forms page appears.

  2. Under Membership programs, select a membership program or level with a web form and click Options. The membership form options appear.

  3. Under Fields to include, select the optional fields to include on the form and whether to require website users to complete these fields.

    You cannot exclude fields that are included by default, but you can select whether to require users to complete them.

  4. Under Add-ons, select the add-ons to include on the form and how many to make available. Add-ons allow website users to add additional members to their memberships, but if your membership program does not include add-ons, the grid does not appear.

    Note: Only add-ons with the "Additional member" type are currently available for membership forms. Add-ons with the "Benefit" type will be available in a future release.

    For more information about add-ons, see Memberships section of the help file.

    Note: Additional member add-ons do not affect the number of cards that are available for membership programs. You enter the number of available cards on membership programs, and add-on members only receive cards if they are still available after all other members receive their cards.

  5. On the Language tab, you can rename labels, headings, and other text for the membership form. You can also enter localized text for other languages.

  6. In the Category field, select the section of the membership form.

  7. In the Language field, select the language to localize.

  8. The Item name and Item type columns identify items on the membership form, and the Default text column displays the default text. Under Text, rename the default labels, headings, and other text as necessary.

    For example, to change the Membership Level Required message to “Select a level for your membership,” enter the new message under Text. Likewise, to localize the message, select a language in the Language field and enter localized text under Text.

  9. Click Save. You return to the Manage Membership Forms page.