You are here: Configuration Tasks > Design Email Preferences Page > Edit email subscription preferences

Edit email subscription preferences

  1. From Web, click Email preferences under Configuration. The Email preferences screen appears.

  2. In the Title field, enter a header for the web page.

  3. In Opt-out checkbox label field, enter the label for the checkbox that users select to opt out of email messages from you organization.

    For verification purposes, users who opt out of email messages must enter their email addresses. If email addresses are not registered, user cannot opt out because they are not on the email list.

  4. To customize the message that appears after users opt out of email messages, select the Language tab. You can also use this tab to enter localized text for other languages.

  5. In the Category field, “Messages” is the only option.

  6. In the Language field, select the language to localize.

  7. Under Text, edit the confirmation messages that appear when users opt in or out of email messages. The Default text column displays the default messages.

  8. Click Save. You return to Web.