I'm not the administrator for Blackbaud.com or ResearchPoint, does my administrator need to invite me?

If you do not currently have a ResearchPoint user record, then yes, your administrator needs to invite you to the program from the Application Users page.

If you do have a ResearchPoint user record, then no, your administrator does not need to invite you. After your organization is enabled for single sign on, you will log in like you always have. The first time you log in though, you'll be asked to complete one extra step to link your Blackbaud.com single sign-on account with your existing ResearchPoint credentials.

Also, if you are not a user on your organization's Blackbaud.com Site ID, you'll need to have the site administrator for Blackbaud.com, invite you as a user to your organization's official Site ID account with Blackbaud. Your site administrator can invite you from his or her profile page on Blackbaud.com.