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With the eCards part, your organization can enable website users to browse, personalize, and send eCards to others from your website. An eCard is an electronic greeting card that contains content from a selected template. Your users can send an eCard as an email message or as a printed copy in the mail. eCards can promote your organization and drive new visitors to your website to help build your online community. You can offer eCards as a free service for your website users or as an incentive to donate to your organization.

On your website, the eCards part includes multiple screens to step the user through the process to select, personalize, and send an eCard.

Choose – On this screen, the website user browses the available categories of eCard templates and selects the template to use to create an eCard. When you design the eCards part, you select the eCard templates to appear for your website users. Before you can add a template to the eCards part, the template must be available in eCard Templates. For information about eCard Templates, see eCard Templates.
Confirm – After the website user selects an eCard template, this screen displays a preview of the selected template to verify it is the one to use to create an eCard. The website user can select to continue to create the eCard or return to the previous screen to select another template.

Note: When you design the eCard template, you can use merge fields to create additional content to appear when the preview of the template appears. For example, you can display a watermark you create over the preview of the eCard to prevent users who attempt to copy and send the free preview of the eCard to avoid a donation.

Personalize – On this screen, the website user enters the recipients and email addresses to receive the eCard. The user can also enter a personal message for the recipients, select whether to send or print the eCard, and request to receive copies of the eCard email messages the program sends to each recipient.
Preview – On this screen, the website user can view a preview of the personalized eCard before the program sends it. The website user can continue to send the eCard or return to the previous screen to adjust its personalization. From this screen, the user can print or generate a portable document format (*.pdf) file of the eCard preview. If the user logged in to your website and you do not require a donation to send an eCard, the website user also sends the eCard from this screen.
Send – If the user is anonymous or did not log in to your website, this screen appears. To help prevent automated abuse of your website, the Send screen provides a completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart (CAPTCHA).

Note: The eCards part requires a completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart (CAPTCHA). Visit to obtain free CAPTCHA functionality with reCAPTCHA. When you sign up for reCAPTCHA, you receive public and private keys, which your system administrator must enter on the Settings tab in Sites & settings. Without CAPTCHA functionality, you leave your website vulnerable to automated abuse. For more information, see reCAPTCHA settings.

Donation – If you require a donation to send an eCard, this screen appears. On this screen, the website user enters information about the donation. After the website user completes the donation, the confirmation screen you select when you design the eCards part appears.
Finish – If you do not require a donation to send an eCard, this screen appears to thank the user and confirm the program sent the eCard. From this screen, the user can select to print or generate a *.pdf file of the sent eCard. The user can also select to create another eCard.

Tip: To create reports about the eCards your users send through your website, design a Report (Email) part. For information about the Report (Email) part, see Email Reports.

Design eCards