You are here: Parts > Payment 2.0 > Secure Payment Page > Secure Payment Page: Transaction Processing Safeguards

Secure Payment Page: Transaction Processing Safeguards

When users navigate from the Payment 2.0 web page to the secure payment page and an interruption unexpectedly occurs before the transaction is submitted, your payment processor receives the payment and the information from the Payment 2.0 web page creates a transaction to process in Blackbaud CRM.

Tip: An interruption can occur when your website server refreshes while a user attempts to submit a transaction. An interruption can also occur when a user leaves your secure payment page for a time that exceeds the session login and then returns to the page and submits the transaction.

To support this functionality, a database process checks the CMS_SessionVariableBackup table for data every 24 hours. After Blackbaud Internet Solutions submits the data to Blackbaud CRM, it no longer exists in the table. The remaining data stays in the table for 30 days unless your system administrator changes the UnprocessedBBSPTransactionLifeSpanInDays web.config setting to increase or decrease the number of days. For example, to increase the number of days to 60, enter UnprocessedBBSPTransactionLifeSpanInDays = 60 in the appSettings node of web.config.

Note: The remaining data in the table likely exists because users entered payment information on the secure payment page, but did not submit the transactions. For PCI DSS compliance, the table does not include credit card information. Your system administrator can access the table to provide you with a list of these users so you can follow up with them.

Your system administrator can also use the ArchiveUnprocessedBBSPTransactions web.config setting to specify whether the process should move the remaining data from the table to the CMS_UnprocessedBBSPTransaction archive table in the database, or to delete it permanently. For example, to move the data to the archive table, enter ArchiveUnprocessedBBSPTransactions=True in the appSetting node of web.config. Otherwise enter False.