You are here: Parts > Donation Form > Design Donation Form: Donor Options

Design Donation Form: Donor Options

For information about how to create or edit a part, as well as the tabs on the Edit Part screen, see Create and Edit Parts.

1. Under Donor Options, select the options to make available to donors.
a. To allow a company to donate, select Allow corporate gifts. When you select this checkbox, This donation is on behalf of a company appears on the donation form.
b. To allow donors to give anonymously, select Allow anonymous gifts. When you select this, I prefer to make this donation anonymously appears on the donation form.
c. To allow donors to enter comments on the donation form, select Allow comments.

Information from the Comments field on the donation form downloads to a note on the Documentation tab of the revenue record in Blackbaud CRM.

d. To allow donors to provide matching gift company information, select Allow matching gifts. When you select this checkbox, My company will match my gift appears on the donation form. Donors can select the checkbox and enter the company name in the Company field. If you use MatchFinder Online, Look it up appears next to the checkbox. Visitors click the link to access MatchFinder Online and search for the company.

Note: Blackbaud hosts the MatchFinder Online search page separately; it is not a page on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. Therefore, the page does not inherit the styles your site uses by default. Blackbaud can apply styles from your Web Developers to the search page so it integrates with your website. To contact Support about this, create a case on Case Central.

Note: The program does not support matching gifts for pledges and recurring gifts.

2. To create a tribute section on the donation form, select Allow tribute gifts (one-time gifts only).

Warning: If you allow for recurring gifts in addition to tribute gifts, on your Web page, and your online donor selects the Recurring gift option, the Tribute section does not display on the form. This prevents the donor from trying to set up a tribute with a recurring gift, which is not supported in Blackbaud CRM Constituent Record Management.

a. To allow the donor to enter the tribute information, select General.

Select the checkbox for each tribute type to include in the tribute section. The tribute types listed are entries from the Tribute Types table in Blackbaud CRM.

b. To apply all gifts to a specific tribute, select Specific.

To select a tribute, click Tributes. A search screen appears so you can search for the tribute. When you return to the Design tab, the Tribute field displays the tribute text and tribute type for the selected tribute. If you select a tribute that does not have a tributee associated with it, you cannot hide the tribute description.

c. To remove the Description field from the Tribute section on the donation form, select Hide tribute description field.

If you select Hide tribute description, in the Tribute Introductory Text field on the Language tab, you can enter the text to appear at the beginning of the Tribute section on your donation form, such as “This gift is made in honor of someone special.”

d. If you select General so users can enter tributes themselves, you can select Display tribute name fields as two fields (first/last name) to improve data entry. When you select this checkbox, the Tribute section of the donation page displays First name and Last name fields so donors can enter information.

Note: If you do not select Display tribute name fields as two fields (first/last name), the Full name field appears in the Tribute section of the donation form.

e. Select Display acknowledgee name fields as two fields (first/last name) to create separate name fields for the acknowledgee. When a donor selects Mail a letter on my behalf on the donation page, the First name and Last name fields appear so the donor can enter an acknowledgee.

Note: If you do not select Display acknowledgee name fields as two fields (first/last name), the Full name field appears on the donation form when a donor selects Mail a letter on my behalf.

Note: When you include tribute information on your donor page, Mail a letter on my behalf automatically appears on the page. When a donor selects this checkbox, name and address fields appear for the donor to enter information for use in a tribute letter.