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Custom Parts

In Administration, Custom parts, you can create a new custom content part type or link to an existing framework part type. After you create or link to the part type, it is available for selection in Parts.

Note: Custom parts offer additional flexibility, but come with additional complexity. If you host your own website, we strongly recommend only developers knowledgeable in all areas of customizations design them. This includes writing HTML and JavaScript code. Users without this expertise should not design these parts. If Blackbaud hosts your website, customizations can only be completed by Blackbaud or one of our designated partners. For more information, please contact your Blackbaud Account Executive.

To create a custom content part type, click New content part. A custom content part uses JavaScript and HTML to create the part editor and define how to display the part on a web page. You can use custom content parts to create customizations such as slideshows, tabbed content, RSS Feed readers, accordion content, pop-up boxes, and callout boxes.

To link to an existing framework part type, click New framework part. To build custom framework parts for your website, you should understand Blackbaud NetCommunity from a site designer’s perspective and have a working technical knowledge of ASP.NET. The content for custom framework parts can come from a variety of sources and can be as simple as text or HTML stored in the Blackbaud NetCommunity database, or it can be data from the back office such as constituent giving history. For example, you can use a custom framework part to create a custom individual search form or a custom pledge form for Blackbaud NetCommunity.

To learn more about custom content parts, review Anatomy of a Custom Part and Blackbaud NetCommunity Custom Content Parts. You can also contact Professional Services.