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Photo Albums on Your Website

Depending on user roles for your website, users may be able to post photos on some pages of your website. In areas where users can post photos, they use albums to manage photos and to select them for your website. The areas where users can manage photos include personal pages, the user networking site, user photos forms, and slideshows.

On personal pages, user photos forms, and slideshows, users can only upload photos to their photo albums and select images to display on the website.

Note: When you select Enable Photos for a User Networking Manager part, security options appear when a member creates an album. The member can make the photos viewable by everyone, friends only, or just the user (private). Album security applies to all areas where the photos are used in the website, including slideshows, personal pages, fundraiser personal pages, and profile displays.

On the user networking site, users can also create and delete albums, designate default albums, and select whether to allow other website users to view images in the albums. In addition, they can enter captions and other data for their images, copy or move images to other albums, select images as album covers and profile pictures, and delete images in their albums.