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Form Display

You use the Form Display part to create a landing page for users to access online forms. With these online forms, you can collect various data from your website users.

Tip: You create forms in Forms. For information about how to create and design forms, see Forms.

On the Form Display part, you select the online forms to include on the web page, enter display names for the forms, and set the display order. You also configure user login options for the web page. To ensure the data you collect is associated with user profiles, we recommend that you require website users must log in to your site to access forms.

On your website, users access the page with the Form Display part to view a list of available forms. To fill out a form, users click a link beside it. A second list on the page displays the forms that users started. In this list, the status of each form appears, along with links to resume, delete, and print the forms.

Design Form Display