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LinkedIn Steps on Your Website

You can include the LinkedIn Group Join part on any web page such as your home or registration page. However, we recommend you include the part on the page users navigate to after registering or logging in to your website. This way, when a user joins your LinkedIn group, the user's profile information processes to the constituent record in The Raiser's Edge. When you place the part on a page, one of three scenarios happens on the part.

A website user does not have a constituent record in The Raiser's Edge and registers as a member of your website. The user then clicks the option to join your LinkedIn group. After the user joins the group on your page, the view option appears. When the user clicks this, the group appears in a new window or tab on LinkedIn.
  When the user registers as a member of your site, a transaction processes to The Raiser's Edge to create a constituent record for the user. Once you process the transaction so the constituent record exists, and after The Raiser's Edge integration service schedule runs, the user's LinkedIn profile URL appears on the constituent record. On the Bio 1 tab, you can view it in the Phones/Emails/Links grid. For more information, see LinkedIn Profile URL in The Raiser's Edge.
A website user has a constituent record in The Raiser's Edge and is also a member of your website. While logged into your website, the user clicks the option to join your LinkedIn group. After the user joins the group on your page, the view option appears. When the user clicks this, the group appears in a new window or tab on LinkedIn.
  This automatically processes the user's LinkedIn profile URL to the constituent record in The Raiser's Edge. On the Bio 1 tab, you can view it in the Phones/Emails/Links grid.
A website user has a constituent record in The Raiser's Edge and is also a member of your website. However, the user is not logged into your site and clicks the option to join your LinkedIn group. After the user joins the group on your page, the view option appears. When the user clicks this, the group appears in a new window or tab on LinkedIn.
  This workflow does not process any data for the user to The Raiser's Edge.

Join — When a user is not in a group, the join option appears on the page based on your HTML editor design.

View — When a user is in a group, the view option appears on the page. It uses the same HTML editor design as the join option.

Note: The Join group and View group merge fields generate the join and view options on your page. If the user is not in a group, the join option automatically appears. If the user is in a group, the view option automatically appears.

LinkedIn Profile URL in The Raiser's Edge