You are here: Parts > Membership Form

Membership Form

With the Membership Form part, you can design a membership web page and solicit new members on your website. When you design the membership page, you select the membership categories to advertise online. You can create links to renew existing memberships, allow gifts of membership, and customize your confirmation message for web users.

Warning: In Pages & templates, we recommend you do not add more than one Membership Form part on a page.

From a membership form on your website, users enter the appropriate information for each section of the membership process. The user then clicks Next to complete the next section of the membership form.

Current Membership displays a website user’s current membership information. You can select not to display this page on your website.
Join/Renew contains the available membership categories you select to display on your website.
Cards/Guest Pass displays the options the user can select to include additional cards or guest passes. You can select not to display this page on your website.
Transaction displays the member’s name and financial information.
The acknowledgement message displays the message you created on the Membership Form part so the site user can read the message once the membership has been submitted. The website automatically sends an acknowledgement email to the member.

To generate a Membership Form part from the beginning, start with Design the Current Membership section. After you complete the steps in this procedure, follow the remaining procedures for this part to create your membership form.

Note: If you use The Raiser's Edge Membership Management, use the Membership Form part.

Design the Current Membership section

Design the Join/Renew section

Design the Transaction section