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Site Tracking URL Information for Google Universal Analytics Goals

To use certain types of Google Universal Analytics conversion tracking tools such as destination goals and funnels, you must enter URL information from Blackbaud NetCommunitywhen you configure them. The program generates these URLs when you enable site tracking on your website and passes them through the back end to Google Universal Analytics. The site tracking URLs include the website URL and page name. For example,[part ID]&pagename&pid=[page ID].

The following information provides the URL information for parts that contain multiple steps a website user navigates through on your website. For example, the Donation Form part may generate[part ID]=DonationStep_Acknowledgement&pagename=My+Donation+Form&pid=[page ID].

Note: For information about how to configure conversion tracking tools, refer to the Google Universal Analytics help documentation.

Donation Form: Generates an associated URL that contains “DonationStep_Checkout” or “DonationStep_Acknowledgement.” A URL that contains “DonationStep_Acknowledgement” indicates a completed donation. If your website contains multiple Donation Form parts, you can identify an individual part when “DonationStep_[part ID]” appears before the part step information in the URL. For example, “DonationStep_[part ID]=DonationStep_Acknowledgement.”

Note: To use the examples in this section, replace “[part ID]” and “[page ID]” with the actual number for the part ID and page ID. To obtain a part ID, open the part. On the Properties tab, the ID appears in the Part ID field. To obtain a page ID, select the page in Pages & templates. On the Properties tab, the ID appears in the Page ID row.

  Associated URL example for a donation web page:[part ID]=DonationStep_Checkout&pagename=My+Donation+Form&pid=[page ID]
eCard: Generates an associated URL that contains “pnlStepConfirm,” “pnlStepPersonalize,” “pnlStepPreview,” “pnlStepCaptcha,” “pnlStepFinish,” or “pnlStepDonation.” A URL that contains “pnlStepDonation” indicates a completed eCard. If your website contains multiple eCard parts, you can identify an individual part when “eCardStep_[part ID]” appears before the part step information in the URL. For example, “eCardStep_[part ID]=pnlStepPreview.”
  Associated URL for an eCard web page:[part ID]=pnlStepPersonalize&pagename=eCards&pid=[page ID]
Event Registration Form: Generates an associated URL that contains “Event,” “Prices,” “Attendees,” “RegisterNow,” or “Acknowledgement.” A URL that contains “Acknowledgement” indicates a completed event registration. If your website contains multiple Event Registration Form parts, you can identify an individual part when “EventStep_[part ID]” appears before the part step information in the URL. For example, “EventStep_[part ID]=Prices.”
  Associated URL for an event registration web page:[part ID]=Attendees&pagename=Event+Registration&pid=[page ID]
Membership Form: Generates an associated URL that contains “Current,” “Transaction,” “Cards,” “Pay,” or “Acknowledgement.” A URL that contains “Acknowledgement” indicates a completed membership transaction. If your website contains multiple Membership Form parts, you can identify an individual part when “MembershipStep_[part ID]” appears before the part step information in the URL. For example, “MembershipStep_[part ID]=Transaction.”
  Associated URL for a membership web page:[part ID]=Transaction&pagename=Membership+Programs&pid=[page ID]