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Tag Display

With the Tag Display part, you include words or phrases related to a page’s content as hyperlinks on the page so users can quickly access similar content on your website. You can also display all tags in use in the program so users can navigate to areas of your site. When a user clicks a tag, a search results page appears. The search results include all pages with the selected tag. Users can also search for tags. Enter “tag:” followed by the exact tag name in a Search field to view all pages that contain a matching tag.

When you include a tag display, you provide website users a more precise way to locate information because you assign tags to only relevant parts. For example, you add the tag “Tournament” to Event Registration Form parts you create for different golf tournaments your organization hosts. When a user views a page with this tag and clicks the Tournament link, the search results include links to all pages that contain a part with the “Tournament” tag. If a user entered “Tournament” in a Search field, the search results may include pages that contain the word “Tournament” but are not directly related to your organization’s events.

You can create and apply tags to parts from the Tags tab on the Edit Part screen. When you build a page, each part you add may contain its own list of tags. From the Edit Part screen, you can choose to display only the tags assigned to the parts on the page or all tags used on your site. For information about how to add tags to a part, see Tags Tab.

Design Tag Display