Template Data Sources

You can select a data source for each template you create. The data source determines which type of list can be used for messages created from the template and which merge fields are available when you write email content. When you set a data source on a template, messages created from the template can be sent to only lists that use the same type of data source.

There are several types of data sources available to serve different purposes:

Constituents: Use the Constituents data source to send emails to lists based on queries of constituents from Blackbaud NetCommunity. The Constituents data source provides the largest variety of merge fields for personalized messages. This is the option you will use most often.

Registered Users: Select the Blackbaud NetCommunity data source for emails sent to users who have forgotten their login credentials and are attempting to register again or for emails sent automatically to imported users with their usernames and passwords.

Imported lists: If you import email lists from CSV files, those lists appear as data sources in this field. Select an imported list when you want to use a particular list for all messages created from a template.

Chapter: Select the Chapter data source for messages sent to members of a chapter.

None: When you select None for the data source, you can send the message to any type of list, but the message will not include any merge field options for you to personalize messages.

Note: For more information about data sources for email lists, see Lists.