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Transaction Manager

With the Transaction Manager part, you can create and display a giving history for donors. When a website user logs in to your website, the Transaction Manager part uses the user’s login information to filter his donor information and display it as a customized giving history. With this part, users can view their offline and online gifts, as well as any pending online transactions that have not been processed.

On the website, the Transaction Manager part can display one of two tabs, or both. The Active tab displays current pledges.

The History tab displays all gifts the user made to the organization for the selected time period or fund. Users can also select how transactions are grouped in the grid. For example, they can group by date or payment method.

On the Transaction Manager part’s Edit Part screen, you select the tabs to display and the gifts to include in the giving history. You can include all gifts, filter gifts by gift type or purpose, or use an offline gift query to filter gifts. The giving history includes a donor’s original gift, but it does not include any matching gift from the donor’s employer. In addition to your filtering criteria, you can select whether to include recognition credits, also called soft credits, and pending online transactions in the giving history. When you include pending gifts, the gifts appear regardless of any filtering criteria you apply.

You can also choose whether to allow website users to make payments from the giving history toward outstanding pledges. This option is available for donors who select the Pledge (Bill Me Later) payment method or donors for whom you enter a pledge offline. If you allow pledge payments and the pledge will be paid in installments, a Pay link appears in the Amount column with the pledge entry on the Active and History tabs. The user clicks this link to view a donation form for the pledge and make a payment online. The Pay link also appears for unpaid event registration fees.

Tip: The Pay link does not appear if a pledge installment is pending, if the total pledge balance is zero, or if the donor submitted credit card or direct debit payment information at the time the pledge was created.

Note: Pledges and pledge payments appear as separate entries on the History tab. From a pledge entry, you can view the remaining balance and the most recent payment. From a pledge payment entry, you can view the date, amount, and balance of the pledge. However, pledge payments include pledge information only when the pledge appears in the giving history. If you filter gifts and exclude a pledge, payments do not include information about the pledge. For example, you can use a gift query to exclude gifts before a certain date. If a pledge is made before that date, the giving history shows subsequent pledge payments but not the pledge details.

To customize the appearance and content of the giving history, you can select the columns to display for the donor, edit column headings, and add or remove columns. You can also add a gift summary section.

Design Transaction Manager
