You are here: Administration > Settings > Organization Settings > Cache settings

Cache settings

1. Enter how many minutes to store items placed in the cache while the program is running. If another cache setting applies to an item, that setting overwrites this value.

Note: If you do not define cache settings, the program cache uses the .NET default of 20 minutes.

2. In the Application field, enter how long to store objects, content, and settings that the web service retrieves from the database.
3. In the Code tables field, enter how long to store code tables and table entries that the web service retrieves from the database.
4. In the News reader field, enter how long to store Really Simple Syndication (RSS) or Atom content retrieved for the News Reader part.
5. In the News feed field, enter how long to store RSS content created by the Weblog part.
6. To save the settings, click Save.