You are here: Parts > Create and Edit Parts > Create a part

Create a part

When you host multiple sites, you can create parts for individual sites. To do this, log in to the site and create the part. For more information, see Go to Site.

  1. From Site explorer, click Parts. Parts appears.

  2. Click New part. The New Part screen appears.

  3. On the Properties tab, enter basic information that defines the part. For example, select the part type and enter a name for the part. For more information, see Properties Tab.

  4. Select the Targeting & Security tab. In the grid, assign view, edit, delete, and change security rights for users and roles. For more information, see Targeting & Security Tab.

  5. Click Next. The Design tab appears. For more information about the Design tab, see Design Tab. For information about how to design a specific part, see the section for that part type.

  6. Click Save. You return to Parts.