You are here: Pages & Templates > Templates > Create a template

Create a template

After you create a template, you can use it for multiple pages.

1. From Site explorer, click Pages & templates. Pages & templates appears.
2. Click New template. The New Template screen appears.

Note: You can also create a template based on an existing template. In Pages & templates, select a page in the grid and click Click here to copy this template. The Copy template screen appears. In the New Template name field, enter a name and click Save.

3. In the Template Name field, enter a name to identify the template in Pages & templates. This name is for internal use and does not appear on the website.
4. In the Folder field, select a folder for the template. You can use folders to group templates. By default, the program stores templates in the root Website folder. You cannot edit this folder.
5. Under Select Layouts, select layouts for the template. You can select different layouts for desktop browsers and mobile devices.
a. In the Site to select layout from fields, select a site to narrow the list of layouts you can use for the template. You can select a layout from another site even though the template is for the site you are currently on. If you do not host multiple websites, your single site defaults in the field.

For information about sites, see Sites & Settings.

b. In the Layout fields, select a layout for the template.

Note: The layout is crucial to your website's appearance. It determines the design and placement of elements on templates. The layout includes where to place content, graphics, and navigation buttons. For information about how to create layouts, see Layouts.

6. In the Metadata Description field, enter a description to embed in the template’s HTML coding. When a search engine includes a page with the template in search results, the description appears with the link to the page.
7. In the Metadata Keywords field, enter keywords for search engines to include in online searches. For example, you can use keywords to describe pages that have little text or to include terms that are not on the page but are likely search criteria. Separate the keywords with commas. Each keyword appears only once in a web page’s META tag, so if a web page inherits a duplicate keyword from the template, it only appears once in the HTML coding.

Note: The metadata fields only allow 255 characters. In general, search engines do not examine more than 255 characters of metadata.

Note: The template’s HTML coding also includes metadata for the last date the template was modified. This date reflects the most recent change to the template or to a part on the template. However, it does not include changes to parts that are stored within parts on the template. For example, a Targeted Content part can contain multiple parts to display content based on user roles. If a supervisor modifies these parts but not the Targeted Content part itself, the changes are not reflected in the metadata.

8. To assign security rights for the template, select the Targeting & Security tab. For each user role, you can manage rights to view, edit, delete, and change security for the template.

For information about security and user roles, see Users & Security.

9. Click Next. The template design screen appears. For information about how to design a template, see Design a template.