You are here: Parts > Event Registration Form (Classic) > Design Event Registration Form (Classic)

Design Event Registration Form

For information about how to create or edit a part, as well as the tabs on the Edit Part screen, see Create and Edit Parts.

1. From the Design tab, under Fund from The Raiser’s Edge, select the fund to associate with the event.

When you download information, registration fees paid online through this form apply directly to the designated fund. For more information, see Event Registrations.

2. Under General Options, select a constituent code to apply to registrants. For more information about constituent codes, see Constituent Codes.

Note: If a registrant already exists in the database, the constituent record updates to include gift and event data from the downloaded event.

3. Under Donor options, specify whether to allow website users to provide matching gift claims through the website. If you select Allow matching gifts, the My company will match my gift checkbox appears on the web page. Site visitors can select this checkbox and enter the company name in the Company field. If you use MatchFinder Online, a Look it up link appears next to the checkbox. Visitors click the link to access MatchFinder Online and search for the company. MatchFinder Online contains information about matching gift companies, such as the minimum and maximum gift details and match ratio.

Data from MatchFinder Online integrates with The Raiser's Edge. For information about MatchFinder Online purchasing options, send an email to

For information about how to download matching gift information, see Event Registrations. For information about matching gifts in The Raiser’s Edge, see the The Raiser’s Edge Gift Records Guide.

4. Under Registration Options, select Display progress indicator to display a progress status bar for the user to view during the event registration.
5. To allow the website user to select both events and registration options on one page, select Exclude first step of registration. If you do not select this option, a five step progress indicator appears at the top of the event registration form and the website user selects the events to register for on one page and enters the registration quantity and pricing information on another page.

Tip: If you select Exclude first step of registration, Step 1: Start does not appear on the progress indicator. The progress indicator displays the event registration as four steps: Prices, Attendees, Register, and Finish. In a four step registration, the user selects the events and enters the quantities of event units as part of the Prices step.

Note: If your Event Registration form includes one or few events, we recommend you select Exclude first step of registration to minimize steps for your registrants. If your Event Registration form includes multiple events, a second event information and selection page may be helpful to your website users.

6. Under Required fields, select the checkbox for each donor field to make required on the event registration form. To ensure you download complete constituent information, we recommend that you make all these fields required.
7. Under Captions, for each button or label listed, enter the text to appear on the Event Registration form.
8. Under Events from The Raiser’s Edge, select the event to use.

To add an event to the field list, click Add Event. The Event Search screen appears so you can select an event.

You can use this event registration form for more than one event. To add another event to the form, click Add Event and select an additional event. After you select an event, additional options appear for you to set up how its registration appears on the form.

a. Under Event options, in the Display Name field, enter the name of the event as it will appear on the website.
b. In the Display Description field, enter the description of the event as it will appear on the website.

By default, the text in the Description field appears in the Display Description field.

c. Under Page Link, to add a link to another web page, click the binoculars. The Create Page Link screen appears. For information about how to create a page link, see Create Page Link.
d. The help text displays the capacity entered offline for the event. To limit how many registrants can sign up for the event using the event registration form online, select Restrict registrations to capacity.
e. To display any relationship records linked to a member’s constituent record in The Raiser's Edge for selection in participant fields, select Display relationships.

For example, Mark Adamson has a constituent record. His wife Vicki has a relationship linked to Mark’s constituent record. If you select Display relationships, when Mark registers for the Annual Golf Tournament on your website, Vicki’s name appears in the drop-down list when Mark assigns participants. He can select Vicki or enter another name.

f. Under Pricing Options, select the prices to appear on the registration page for each event unit. To display a listed price, select its checkbox in the Include column.

In the Description column, enter the text to appear on the registration page for each event unit, such as “Individual” or “Couple.”

In the Registrants/Unit column, enter the number of people allowed for the unit.

In the Max units column, select the maximum number of each unit allowed for each registration. By default, this value is “4.”

To allow participants to register for an event unit anonymously, select its checkbox in the Allow anonymous column. When you select this checkbox, the Name field is not required when the website user registers for the event unit.

In the Price (gift amount) and Receipt amount columns, data from the Prices tab of the event record appears and is disabled. You cannot change this information on the website. To change the price or receipt amount, edit the event record offline.

g. Under Attributes, select the participant attributes to appear on the event registration page. To display a participant attribute, select its checkbox in the Display column.

Tip: Constituent attributes are not available for the Event Registration Form. You can only select one-per-record participant attributes with a type of Date, Text, Number, Currency, and Yes/No. Table type participant attributes are available without being marked as one per record. Fuzzy Date and Constituent Name types are not available for the part. If you recently added a new participant attribute in The Raiser's Edge and it does not appear in the Participant attribute options, grid or in Sites & settings for you to make it available on the web page, click Refresh code tables in Code tables. This updates code tables from The Raiser's Edge in Blackbaud NetCommunity. For more information about how to update code tables, see Code Tables

To make a selected participant attribute required, select its checkbox in the Required column.

To change the text of the participant attribute on the registration page, in the Caption field, enter the text to appear.

Note: When you download an event registration, the Online registrant? participant attribute automatically adds on the participant record. You do not view this attribute in the Attributes frame or on the Web Transactions page in The Raiser's Edge. After the event registration downloads, this information appears on the Attributes/Notes tab of the participant record. “Online registrant?” appears in the Category column, “Yes” appears in the Description column, and “Blackbaud Internet Solutions” appears in the Comments column.

9. When you include more than one event, Display order appears so you can change the event display order. To do this, click and drag an event to the desired location.
10. Under Additional Donations, to include an additional contribution field on the event registration page, select Allow additional donations. In the field that appears, select the fund to credit for additional donations. The gift is linked to the participant’s constituent record, but not directly to the event record.
11. Under Payment Options, select the payment options for website users.
a. To allow website users to pay for multiple transactions at one time, select Use payment part. The Payment frame appears.

In the Payment page field, select the web page to use to process event registrations. The Payment part on the selected page determines the payment methods and merchant account used to process event registrations. For information about the Payment part, see Payment.

Note: If your payment page uses a Payment 2.0 part, the payment method for it and this part must match. For example, you cannot select a payment page that accepts direct debits because this part only accepts pledges and credit cards.

In the box, enter the text to appear on the payment page after an event registration is added. To format the content’s appearance and layout, use the HTML editor. For more information about the HTML editor, see HTML Editor.

b. To require website users to pay for event registrations one at a time, select Proceed directly to payment. Additional options appear.

In the Merchant Account field, select the merchant account to use to process credit card transactions received through the event registration form, such as your organization’s Blackbaud Merchant Services account.

The system administrator sets up merchant accounts in Administration. For more information, see Merchant Accounts.

Select the payment methods that website users can use on the Event Registration Form. You can select Credit Card or Pledge (Bill me later).

Select whether the default confirmation screen or a custom confirmation screen displays the summary after a user registers for an event. If you select Use custom confirmation screen, the HTML editor appears and displays the default confirmation screen. Customize the default confirmation screen according to your needs. To format the content’s appearance and layout, use the HTML editor toolbar. To include personalized information, use merge fields.

Tip: If you customize the default confirmation screen, the customizations remain even if you later select Use default confirmation screen. To remove your customizations for the screen, select Use custom confirmation screen and click Restore default content. The program’s default confirmation screen appears in the HTML editor.

12. Click Next. The Acknowledgement Email screen appears.
13. Create the email to acknowledge the registration. You can use the default text provided or enter different text. For information about how to design an email acknowledgement for an event registration, see Acknowledgements.

For information about event registration loop merge fields, see Event Registration Loop Merge Fields.

Tip: When you edit an Event Registration Form, you can click Acknowledgement Email to access the Acknowledgement Email screen.

14. Click Save. You return to Parts.