You are here: Parts > Create and Edit Parts > Edit a part

Edit a part

To search for an existing part to edit in Parts, use the filter tools. For example, select a part type in the Filter by Type field or enter a full or partial name in the Filter by Name field.

1. From Site explorer, click Parts. Parts appears.
2. When you edit parts, you can perform the following actions:
To edit a part’s design, click Click here to edit this part. The Edit Part screen appears on the Design tab. For information about how to design a specific part, see the section for that part type. For information about the Design tab, see Design Tab.
To edit a part’s properties, click Click here to view/edit this part’s properties under Action. The Edit Part screen appears on the Properties tab. For information about part properties, see Properties Tab.
To create a part based on an existing part, click Click here to copy this part under Action. The Copy Part screen appears. In the New Part name field, enter a new name and click Next. The Edit Part screen appears so you can edit the new part.

Note: If the original part contains tags, the copy inherits the tags. From the Tags tab, you can modify the copied tags.

To move a part to another folder, select the checkbox beside the part and click Move. The Move selected items screen appears for you to select a different folder.
To delete a part, select the checkbox beside the part and click Delete. A message appears to confirm you want to delete the data. When you do this, the part is available for you to restore from the Deleted Parts folder.

Warning: To prevent you from inadvertently removing active content from your website, you can no longer delete parts when they are associated with web pages. When you attempt to delete a part that is associated with a single site, or shared across multiple sites, a message appears to inform you that you cannot remove it because it exists on a page. To identify the pages where the part appears, select the part's Usage tab. For information about the Usage tab, refer to Usage Tab on page 1.

3. Click Save. You return to Parts.