You are here: Administration > Settings > Site Settings > Language settings

Language settings

1. Under Supported languages, select the languages to support on your website. For example, if your website audience includes Spanish and French-Canadian users, in the Add languages field, select Español (Mexico) and français (Canada).

In the Default language field, select the default language for the website. If a website visitor’s browser has a country code that is not supported, the site renders in the default language.

Note: The languages you support appear in multiple areas of the program. Supported languages appear in the Target language field on a part’s Properties tab. They appear in the Language field on the Language tab. They also appear in the Language field that appears on a web page when you use the Language Selector part.

After you select the languages to support, you can create international pages for your website. For more information, see Add Localized Text For Web Pages.

2. Under International, you can select Require postcode for UK addresses to make the Postcode field required when a website donor selects United Kingdom in the Country field of a donation form.
3. To save the settings, click Save.