You are here: Users & Security > Users > Restore a deleted user

Restore a deleted user

1. In Users, select Deleted and click Filter. The grid displays all deleted users.
2. Select the user and click Click here to edit this user. The User editor page appears. Above the user’s login name, a message notes that the user is deleted.
3. To restore the record:
If the user was linked to an offline constituent record, click undelete. The program restores the user and the link to the constituent record and removes the deleted user message.
If the user was not previously linked to an offline constituent record, click undelete and generate a sign-up transaction. The program restores the user, generates a pending sign-up transaction, and removes the deleted user message. When you process the sign-up transaction, you can link the user to a constituent record.
4. Click Return. You return to Users.