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User Login

To control the areas users can access on your website, create a User Login part. When a user logs in, the user login determines the roles that the user belongs to and the features that the user has security rights to access. You can create separate login parts for any subsites you create. For example, you may have a subsite for chapters or schools.

The Fundraiser part has its own user login. For information about how to create the user login for a Fundraiser, see Step 6: User Login Form.

From the part, you can also enable social media to allow new users to register with their social network login. When you use the social media login option, you can indicate where to display the social media icons on login forms.

You can add forms for new user registrations and forgotten logins. You can also create emails to acknowledge registrations, provide forgotten usernames, and provide links to reset passwords.

Multiple users can use the same email address when they sign up for your site. This makes it easy for an entire family to sign up for a fundraiser or other event. If a family shares an email address and one user forgets a password or username, the reminder email contains all usernames associated with that email address. The password reset link connects to a page where the user can select the username that needs a new password.

Note: When you have multiple websites, create multiple login pages to provide access to each site.

Design User Login