You are here: OCC Parts > Team Scores

Team Scores

Use the Team Scores part to display a team’s overall record and most recent scores. When you create the part, in the Heading field, enter a title for the part, such as Scores. After you add the part to a team page, for the overall record, you can view the number of wins, losses, and ties. The totals for the overall record is based on information entered in the athletics calendar event form and the Team Calendar part type with the appropriate category value. For more information, see the Athletics Calendar.

For recent games, you can view the date, whether the game was home or away, whether the team won or lost, the final score, and the event location. Coaches or team page editors can edit how the team record appears. If scores are not entered on the athletics calendar event form or the team calendar, they are not available.

Edit the team record