You are here: Forms > Design Forms > Manage Rules > Create a form rule

Create a form rule

1. From the Form Designer, Form builder tab, click Manage rules. The Rules screen appears.
2. Select which type of rule you want to add, a field rule, section rule, or step rule. Each type of rule has its own tab.
3. Click Add a new rule. The New Rule screen appears.
4. In the If fields, select the step, section, and field that if a user enters a value, a field, section, or step will show or hide.

Tip: You can only create rules for fields with a yes or no, dropdown, or radio button response.

5. In the is equal to box, based on the field you chose, select or enter the value.
6. In the Then field, if you set up a step or section rule, select Show or Hide. If you set up a field rule, select Show, Hide, Require, or Disable.
7. For field rules, to show, hide, require, or disable a field, select the step and section the field is in and then select the field.

For section rules,to show or hide a section, select the step the section is in and then select the section.

For step rules, to show or hide a step, select the step.

8. Click Save to add the rule and return to the Rules screen. Continue to add as many form rules as you need.