You are here: Parts > Donation Form > Design Donation Form: Sources (Appeals) and Required Fields

Design Donation Form: Sources (Appeals) and Required Fields

For information about how to create or edit a part, as well as the tabs on the Edit Part screen, see Create and Edit Parts.

1. Under Sources, to select an appeal for the gift, click Add source. With this information, your organization can manage how donors learn about donating through the website.
a. To include an appeal, click the binoculars in the Appeal column. The Appeal Search screen appears so you can select an appeal.

When you select source information, a How did you hear about our site field appears on the donation page. In this field, users can select from the appeals you select in this step.

b. In the Display name field, enter the name of the appeal as it will appear on the website. By default, the text entered in the Appeal Name field on the appeal record defaults in the Display name field.
c. In the Default column, select the checkbox for the appeal to use when the user does not select an appeal.
d. To hide an appeal from the How did you hear about our site field, clear the checkbox for the appeal in the Display column.

When you do this, you can add source information to the end of a system generated URL in an email that navigates the recipient to your donation page. For example, create a link to your donation page in an email message. At the end of the system generated URL, add &source=camp. When the recipient clicks the link, the How did you hear about our site field does not appear on the page. The appeal stores the source information automatically based on the system generated URL.

Warning: To track source information this way, you must use a system generated URL. You cannot use unique URLs or friendly URLs created by a user.

The source information must include the appeal ID from The Raiser's Edge. For example, if the appeal ID in The Raiser's Edge is Annual2008, add &source=Annual2008 to the end of the system generated URL. If the appeal ID includes a space, replace the space with a %20. For example, if the appeal ID is CAMP LETTER add &source=CAMP%20LETTER.

If the Display checkbox is selected for the appeal and a user navigates to the donation page via a URL without source information, the How did you hear about our site field appears on the page.

e. To require users to select a source, select Source is a required field. If you select this checkbox, you must select the Display checkbox for at least one appeal.

To add additional appeals, click Add source. Another row appears in the grid for you to select another appeal.

2. Under Required fields, select the checkbox for each donor field to make required on the donation form. To ensure you download complete constituent information, we recommend that you make all of these fields required.