You are here: Parts > Profile Form > Design Profile Form

Design Profile Form

For information about how to create or edit a part, as well as the tabs on the Edit Part screen, see Create and Edit Parts.

1. From the Design tab, under Select the type of constituents to use the Profile Form, select either Individual or Organization.
2. Under Profile form options, in the After update navigate to field, browse to the web page to appear after website users submit their profile information.

If you do not select a page, the profile form appears after users submit profile information.

3. If you select Organization, the Message to display when there are no organization records box appears. In the box, enter the message to appear when website users who navigate to a page with the profile form part do not have an organization record or are not a relationship type with Edit Org Profile marked on the Settings tab in Sites & settings. For example, enter “There are no organizations associated with your record.” For more information, see Attributes settings.
4. Add each section to the profile form as required.
a. In the Section field, select the type of section to add to the form. Fields appear in the grid for the section type you selected.

The system administrator selects the attributes available on the Settings tab in Sites & settings. For more information, see Attributes settings.

b. In the Heading field, enter the text to appear at the top of the section. For example, for the Bio section of an individual profile, enter “Personal Information.”

To specify the order of sections, add a number to the beginning of each section heading. For example, if you select “Preferred Address” in the Section field and enter “2. Preferred Address” in the Heading field, the Preferred Address section appears second in the profile.

c. In the Fields grid, select the fields to include in the section and options for the fields.

Note: To protect user passwords, users cannot change their user IDs, passwords, or email addresses on profile forms unless they confirm their passwords first. When users attempt to change the Preferred Email field in the Phones and Email section or the User ID and Password fields in the User Login section, a field requests their current password. Users must enter their passwords so that other users cannot change their credentials or receive email messages with their unencrypted passwords.





Select the checkbox next to each field to include in the profile display grid.


This column displays the fields from The Raiser's Edge you can include in the section.


To allow the user to edit a field, select this checkbox. If you do not select this checkbox, the field appears in the profile but the user cannot change its value.


To make a field required, select this checkbox. If you select this checkbox, the user must select or enter a value for the field to complete the form.

Privacy edit

To allow users to hide the content of a field, select this checkbox. For example, to allow users to hide their birth dates on the profile display, select this checkbox for the Birth date field. On the profile display, “{private}” appears when users hide the field. For organizations, this column is disabled.

Note: By default, the Profile Form part uses privacy settings from Field Options to determine whether to display content on the form display. After you process users and they visit the profile display, the program locks in these default privacy settings, and future changes in Field Options do not affect privacy settings for the users. However, users can still change the settings for the fields where you select Privacy edit.

Use code table

If a field has code table values, this checkbox appears. If you select this checkbox, the field on the form displays the code table values from The Raiser's Edge. If you do not select this checkbox, the user must enter a value in the field.

Edit codes

If a field has code table values, this checkbox appears. To enable the user to enter a value other than a code table value, select this checkbox. On the form, an Other field appears next to the field so users can enter a value other than those provided.

Alternate caption

To edit a field name, enter a new name in this column. For example, you can call the Birth date field the Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) field.

5. Click Save. You return to Parts.