Use a Web API Client DLL

The Web API Client Template includes example code for using a Web API Client DLL to load and save data with the Individual, Spouse, Business Add Form. Loading and saving data with data forms are the primary methods associated with a data form. Here are steps to use the example code and to use a Web API Client DLL with data forms in other ways.

  1. Create a project based on Web API Client Template. For steps to accomplish this, see Create a Project from Web API Client Template.

  2. Add a reference to the Web API Client Template. For steps to accomplish this, see Add a Web API Client Reference to a Web API Template Project.

  3. Remove the comments for the example code.

  4. Build the project and run the executable. When no other changes are made to the template project, the executable is located in the obj\Debug folder for the project. The application adds an Individual record to the application's database.

  5. Add a line under the code to set FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME.

  6. Type data.. IntelliSense displays possible properties and methods. Mostly properties that represent fields on the data form are shown.

  7. There are other items you can use: