Grant Permission for CLR-based Features

If you access database objects from CLR data forms, business processes, global changes, etc., then you need to grant permissions to the BBAPPFXSERVICEROLE SQL Server Role by using the GrantExecuteList, GrantSelectList, GrantUpdateList, GrantInsertList, and GrantDeleteList elements in the CLR catalog implementation element, such as CLRGlobalChange.

If all of your select, insert, and update logic is wrapped by a stored procedure, there should be no need to grant rights to tables and columns. However, in some cases, it's not practical to implement everything in a stored procedure or function. In those cases you can also include one of the other grant lists.

This applies to several features, not just global changes. You can define those grant list elements in any of these spec CLR implementations.

Tip: For more details and an example from the AddressCoordinateTimeZone.GlobalChange.xml global change, click here.