OutputField Element

The OutputField element provides metadata about a column defined by the query. An OutputFIeld element is commonly used to hide query columns, provide column captions, or provide additional column-filtering support.

Any column defined within the query by the TVFImplementation Element may be used as an available column for the list builder provided that it is not marked hidden or part of a larger composite column.

In the example below, 8 columns are pulled by the query and 8 OutputField elements are defined. Of the 8 output fields, 4 are marked as hidden. Therefore, within the list builder's Column dropdown list, we see the 4 remaining columns that are available to display on the list builder.

Related to the OutputField element is the ListBuilder element's Column Element. A Column element can be added to the Columns element to make the column part of the default set of columns displayed in the list builder, provided the IsDefaultColumn attribute is set to "true." See the figure above.

See Specifying Default Columns.

Remember, an output field's IsHidden attribute determines whether the column is available for display in the list builder.