How do actions appear in the app? Only actions to which you are assigned as the solicitor appear in the app. For your actions to appear, your user name (in Administration, Security) must be linked to your constituent record, and the constituent record must be marked as a solicitor. You must then assign yourself as the solicitor for the action in The Raiser's Edge. When you create an action in the app, you are automatically assigned as the solicitor.

How do lists appear in the app? To get queries to appear as lists in the app, you must manually assign the "Mobile" category to the queries in The Raiser's Edge. This category is automatically created when your organization installs the Mobile Service for The Raiser's Edge.

What types of records can I view in the app? Currently, you can access individuals, organizations, and gifts. We will continue to work with customers to further develop the app.

How are Year to Date (YTD) and Lifetime Giving (LTG) calculated in the app? Year to Date giving is either calculated based on the fiscal year or calendar year. You can define by which to calculate Year to Date giving from Configuration in The Raiser's Edge. Lifetime Giving is the total of all Cash, Pledge, Stock/Property - Sold, Other, and Recurring Gift Pay-Cash donatoins. Soft credits appear in the app, but are not calculated in Year to Date and Lifetime Giving totals.

Where is information from my modules such as Events, Memberships, and Prospects? We have not yet added this into the app. We want to see how you use it first and will add additional fields and functionality thoughtfully over time so we can keep the app simple to use as well as powerful!

Can I connect the app to the sample database? No, you cannot use the sample database with the app.

What should I do if my mobile device is lost or stolen? As a best practice, we recommend you have a policy to wipe the device. If you use a personal device to access company email or the mobile app, you should work with your organization to determine how your device handles remote lock, wipe, or location if it is misplaced.

How does the app work with my database in The Raiser's Edge? To communicate with your database, the app uses the Mobile Service for The Raiser's Edge and the Microsoft Azure service bus.

What is Microsoft Azure service bus? The service bus is a messaging infrastructure that sits between the app and your database so they can exchange messages in a loosely coupled way for improved scale and resiliency. Microsoft manages and operates the service bus with a 99.9% monthly SLA.

How secure is Microsoft Azure service bus? All service bus traffic is subject to Transport Layer Security (TLS), with 128-bit encryption. For details about service bus security, visit

Is there security in the app? The app respects the security rights set for users in The Raiser's Edge.

Can I use the Supervisor login with the app? The Supervisor account cannot log into the app. However, users who are supervisors can log in.

How do licenses work with the app? Mobile app users "lightly" use a user license. When you search for data in the app, it uses the license for the search and then holds it for five minutes so you can complete your task. Then, even though you are logged into the app, it releases the license until you make another request. The Raiser's Edge Enterprise customers do not use a desktop license; instead, they have an initial limit of 25 concurrent mobile users.

What devices and operating systems does the app support? iOS, Android, and Blackberry. For operating systems, see the system requirements.

Is there a separate app for iPads? Yes! You can download the app from Apple iTunes. The app is called The Raiser's Edge HD.

How do I contact Support?
United States and Canada: (800) 443-9441
Blackbaud Europe:
0845 658 8500 or +44 (0)141 575 0801
Australia: 1800 688 910
New Zealand: 0800 444 712
Singapore: 800 616 2205
Hong Kong: +852 8191 1160
International: +61 2 8986 6000