Tribute Acknowledgement Process Workflow

From Marketing and Communications, you can manage processes to notify acknowledgees of revenue received toward tributes. A tribute acknowledgement process requires a Microsoft Word document that contains the template and content for its acknowledgement letters. To target constituents differently based on revenue amount or activity, you can create multiple tribute acknowledgements to generate multiple letters. To use the process effectively, you must perform these steps.

  1. From Marketing and Communications, generate the header file to include personalized information, such as constituent name and revenue amount, in the acknowledgement letter. For more information, see Generate a Header File.

  2. In Microsoft Word, create the template for the acknowledgement letter. To include merge fields in your template, perform a mail merge to import the header file.

  3. On the Letters tab of the Tribute Acknowledgements page, add the letter template to your database. For more information, see Add a Letter.

  4. From Constituents, add tributes as necessary. As you add a tribute, select the default letter template acknowledgees receive. On the tribute’s record, select the acknowledgees to notify when you receive revenue transactions toward the tribute.

  5. From Revenue, add revenue transactions you receive toward tributes. When you add a transaction, select the tribute to which it applies. On the Letters tab of the payment’s record, the letter associated with the selected tribute appears.

  6. On the Acknowledgements tab of the Tribute Acknowledgements page, add a tribute acknowledgement process and select the revenue transactions to include in the process. For more information, see Add Acknowledgement Process.

  7. To generate acknowledgement letters to notify acknowledgees associated the selected revenue transactions, run the tribute acknowledgements process. When you run the process, you can select whether to mark the revenue transactions as Acknowledged. For more informatio, see Run Acknowledgement Process.

  8. On the record of the tribute acknowledgement process or the Review acknowledgements tab of the Tribute Acknowledgements page, download the output for the acknowledgement letters as merged Word documents or as a comma-separated values (*.csv) file for a mail house.