Event Profile Report

The Event Profile report displays event info such as coordinators, location, seating, expenses, and more. It also includes information about event registrants, such as date registered, host, and balance.

  1. On an event record, click Event profile under Reports.

  2. In the Event field, select the event to view information.

  3. In the Show sections field, select the types of information to display in the report.

    Tip: When you select Event details, the report displays detail information about the event and its registrants, including the number of constituents that were invited to the event but did not register. To display a list of the constituents that did not respond to an invitation, select Did not respond. From this list, you can open the record of a constituent who did not respond.

  4. Click View Report.

Note: The invited count in the Event Details section of this report is based on the number of invitees in the Invitee list of the event’s Invitations tab.