Manage Seeds

Seeds are usually internal people at your organization who you include in your membership renewal efforts to verify that the fulfillment house does its job and sends out the marketing pieces correctly. Or, you may want to include seeds such as Board Members because they want to see each membership renewal effort you send out.

You can associate one or multiple seeds with a membership renewal effort. Every seed associated with a renewal effort receives each package included in the effort. Because you know seeds will not give based on that membership renewal effort, they are not included in any ROI calculations and do not affect ROI numbers for the effort. They only appear in the export file once for each package in the membership renewal effort when you export the effort to the fulfillment house.

Note: Seeds are intended to be separate from source records. When you add a seed, that person should not also exist in your source. If seeds also exist in your record source, the program treats them just like any other potential donor, which defeats the purpose of them being seeds.

You can manage all aspects of your seeds from the Seeds page. To access the Seeds page, from Marketing and Communications, click Seeds.

You can add, edit, or delete seeds from this page. Rather than delete a seed from the database, you can also mark a seed as inactive when it is not needed anymore.